About Me
Hey there! My name is Da’Sha and I’m a travel addict. So how did I get into traveling you might ask? Well in 2019, shortly after I graduated from college, I bought a scratch-off ticket at the gas station. When I got home, I scratched it and was absolutely SHOOKETH when I realized I won the $1,000,000 jackpot! I took my winnings and decided to start traveling full ti—Okay okay, so maybe my timing is a little off….and some small details of my story may not be 100% accurate...Okay, so it’s not true but can’t a girl dream?! Ugh! I am trying to manifest that situation over my life so I need you to help a sista out!
So the REAL story of how I got into traveling is a lot less millionaire-like but the experiences have still been wonderful! I attended FAMU from 2015-2018 (where my RATTLERS at???) and didn't really have much travel experience at that point. I had technically gone on 2 international trips in the past (a cruise to the Bahamas that I can’t remember and a trip to Cancun that I don’t really care to remember lol) but I don't count those. And I’ve never been one to enjoy solo experiences so spring breaks were always spent at home. In November 2018, one of my friends invited me to go to Jamaica with her family for Thanksgiving. Of course, I had always wanted to travel so after a lot of thought (and stressing), I finally decided to go. That trip was the beginning of my Tour de la World!
In January 2019, I signed up for a program that allowed me to volunteer as an assistant English teacher in Valladolid, Spain for two and a half months. I even got to visit 3 other countries while abroad! After that, nobody could stop me. In fact, I visited 8 countries in 2019 alone! Traveling has become my favorite pastime and this blog allows me to share that love. This website will serve not only as my way of capturing and remembering my experiences, but also as my chance to share my adventures with you all and, hopefully, encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone to experience the beauty beyond your hometown!
More random facts about me:
Greetings, I am Da’Sha Davis, a FAMU SBI Alumna from Atlanta, GA. ( IYKYK!)
My favorite food is tacos. Pizza, shrimp, pancakes, and macaroni and cheese are all battling for the second place spot.
I’m super family oriented.
Bali was my favorite vacation destination (I could probably move there).
I wholeheartedly believe in the Nelson Mandela effect and every time I see another example, I get mad!
My last relaxer was during spring break 2016 and I did the big chop in May 2017. Natural hair is my secondary obsession.
I. Hate. Cooking.
Psychology is really interesting to me. I love discussing why people are the way they are, why they do the things they do, and why they think the things they think.
I prefer the window seat. I can laugh at the ant size humans and buildings as we take off, admire the sea of clouds from up above, and comfortably lay my head against the wall as I sleep. Why sit anywhere else?
Nice to meet you! Hope you enjoy my page!